My biggest success was in the process of waiting. My husband has been incarcerated for 7 years and we have two beautiful boys together. My husband got convicted the day after our youngest son turned 1 years old. When the officers put the handcuffs on him and took him away I immediately thought my life was over. When sentencing came and the judge said 22 years, I thought I was doomed! I didn’t know what to think or where to begin! However, this process has become a gift because I found my greatest strength in the big WAIT! When my husband left It seemed as if all my “so call” support scattered. I had nobody but me and the Lord. I couldn’t work full-time because I had to be there for my boys. I was facing eviction and I was back up in rent $7,000.  I got on public assistance and by the grace of God, I discover a program to help me pay my back rent. I try to go back to college, I was told I couldn’t because of my GPA, I literally got 5 no’s One day I took a leap of faith and I went back to the main campus to ask again. I spoke to the director and I was able to register and do my financial aid all in one day. I obtained my associate and bachelor’s degree in psychology and human services. I started working temp jobs here and there to maintain and take care of my family. However, I knew God wanted more from me and he was calling me to do something higher.

The only way I was able to hear is when I’d removed negative people, places and things from my life. These moments were painful; however, I focused on finding the lessons and the blessings. Every income tax season I would invest into myself. I would invest into traveling to different conferences to network. I learned how other individuals became successful. I would purchase VIP tickets and sit with millionaires and learn how they became successful. I invested in changing my mindset. After that I start creating products, such as T-shirts, creating eBooks and more.  This was only the beginning, but I knew I had to begin somewhere to find my way.  I didn’t make a lot of money, but I have learned how to and what works and don’t work.  I knew this wasn’t it and God wanted more. I started to write down all the things I was passionate about.  It always resulted back to me helping people, especially women and couples. I went back to school to get my master’s degree in Marriage Family Therapy. Now I am a MFT, public speaker, soon to be author and I do workshops to help women with personal development.

     This is not an easy journey, however there is power in the big WAIT. It’s not easy when you don’t have support, trying to maintain the house, children and husband. For being a single married mother, I had to discover how to have flexibility. Me being on public assistance helped me get to where I needed to be. My prayer was not to have a job that will take me away from my children. I wanted to be there for my children emotionally and supportively. And being an entrepreneur and a therapist give me that flexibility. Also, so I can visit my husband on the weekends. I actually visit my husband every other weekend. Me and my husband have an unconditional love, where we value each other. Spiritually we worked on being on one accord. He understands that I must take care of me first. 

     And that’s my message, take care of you first. Your children need you and your destiny that God is trying to take you to needs you. It may take you a couple avenues to get to your destiny. However, you will get there. Whatever money you get, save it up and invest in your healing, if you need to heal. You don’t have to have your business altogether to start investing. Writing is free, write down your vision. Start by Saving $10 and get a logo created. Invest little pieces at the time until your puzzle come together. And going back to school is always an option. I started off in a CUNY school and from me having low income I got full financial aid. Every semester I would get a refund back. I always saved it up for rainy days and I would invest it. If there’s a will, there’s a way and there is always a way.


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