I can’t believe it’s almost been eight months since my husband has been released!    What has life after prison been like?! …We’ve used this time for us to reconnect which involves soooo much!!  We’ve been learning each other all over.  Over the last 14.5 years, we’ve grown together through the wall.  Now we’re learning and growing on the free side.  We all have had to adjust to each other’s personalities, habits, space, etc.  My biggest challenge everyday is feeding my greedy family!!  We all have pretty big appetites!!


At times, it’s still a surreal feeling!  I think it became a habit for me to say and think to myself, “I wish my husband was here.” Then, I’m like, Oh, wait he is here! lol


Of course, the time seems to be moving faster now that he’s home.  I can honestly say the transition from prison to home has been way smoother than I expected.  I know that’s because of the many days and nights of preparing with prayer.  Of course, we have still had our moments. Some of the toughest times during this transition so far was when he was at the halfway house.  This post is not to get into that but trust, it’s coming.  

One thing I have managed to do is write a book of prayers that I prayed to help get us through this situation. I added a brief summary of situations that led to each prayer and threw in some pages for you to write your own thoughts and prayers. My hope is that this book will help others that are in the situation.  I’m so grateful to have received such positive feedback from the book!!  Many wives, fiancées, and, girlfriends have even sent copies to their significant others.  When writing “Prayers of a Prison Wife” I had just what the title says in mind, “prayers for a prison wife.”  I’ve learned that God had more people than “prison wives” when He filtered these prayers through me.  I’m thankful that it’s touching all lives.

Yes, this part of our journey is now over.  It’s been a part of me for soooo long, that I’ll never forget it!  I don’t want to forget it!  It’s helped to make me ME!  I didn’t know how Strong. Beautiful. Unbothered. I truly was until I found my strength with God’s help. And that is the positive that has come from this journey!!   I’ll always remember the PW journey!!  I’ll never forget the many emotions that went along with it.  That’s why I couldn’t walk away without helping other Strong. Beautiful. Unbothered.  Loyal Ladies get through this PW thing!!  Now, we’re on the transitioning journey!!  Whew Chile!! lol…


I’ll tell y’all about it one day soon!  Issa journey too!! lol How can it not be when someone’s away from society for years? The sooner you start preparing for life after prison with your Loved One the better.  And no I’m not speaking of just physically, I’m speaking mental preparation.  Seriously though, I’m proud of all of us!!

In the meanwhile…check out the book deets below!!   
Stay Strong. Beautiful. Unbothered.

Oh, the support group isn’t going anywhere!!   For the Lives of Prison Wives ~ Loyal Ladies


Sign up here to purchase your copy of  “Prayers of a Prison Wife!”  Only those on this journey truly know this journey… 

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